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Cronos Logistics and The Cronos Against Hunger Campaign: A Commitment to Social Responsibility

2 min read

In August, Cronos Logistics, runs the Cronos Against Hunger campaign, where for every shipment made, a food aid kit is donated. Launched in 2020, the campaign was created with the goal of combating hunger, which affects thousands of vulnerable families in Brazil. To date, over 74 tons have been donated. From the start, the initiative has been a huge success, collecting 4 tons of food in its first year. In 2021, the impact was even greater, with 10.5 tons donated, followed by a new record in 2022, with 13 tons.

In 2023, the campaign continued to grow, reaching an impressive milestone of 20 tons, and now, in 2024, we’ve achieved 27 tons of food collected, reaffirming the power of solidarity and collective commitment. The donations are made in various parts of Brazil, and this year, with Cronos USA’s office, donations were also made internationally.

Fabio Rengel, COO of Cronos Logistics, comments on the campaign: 

“The Cronos Against Hunger campaign is one of the projects we are most proud of in our organization. This initiative reflects our commitment to making a difference in people’s lives and contributing to a better country.

Since 2020, the year we launched the campaign, we have been able to help many people with our donations. These numbers are the result of the hard work and generosity of our entire team, the trust of our clients, and the partnership with our suppliers. Every closed shipment in August is not just a success for the company, but also an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of many families.

The Cronos Against Hunger campaign is an important part of what we do and is deeply aligned with our values. We will continue to work hard to help even more people and contribute to a better and more compassionate world.”

During the deliveries, everyone was able to connect with the families and understand the importance of remembering that in August, it’s not just shipments, but food aid kits to feed families facing food insecurity.

Learn more about the campaign!


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