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Providence Cargo Joins AON!

< 1 min read

We are happy to introduce our latest AerOceaNetwork (AON) member office in SÃO Paulo, Brazil:

Providence Cargo
Rua Dr. Cesar, 1368-Cj 1207 Santana 02013-004

Tel : +55 11 3596-9801

Website : https://aeroceanetwork.net/providence-cargo/

Contact : Luciana Meireles – Sales Coordinator.

Providence Cargo are a young company, highlighted between the main freight forwarders of the national market.

Since the beginning of their activities they have stood out as a dynamic and modern company.

They believe in providing quality services with a high level of skill ensures customer satisfaction and is the main focus of their business. They use the most up to date technology and that combined with their experienced, professional staff allows them to focus exclusively on freight forwarding.

We welcome Providence Cargo to the AON team!

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