Flowfreight BV and Cronos Logistics Work Together on Project Movement to Brazil
Flowfreight BV and Cronos Logistics Work Together on Project Movement to Brazil Netherlands-based forwarder Flowfreight Logistics recently collaborated with fellow AON member, Cronos Logistics, to move a flotation unit and 8 containers of spare parts...

Element International Forwarding & Logistics Successfully Ship Tugboats to Azerbaijan.
Element International Forwarding & Logistics Successfully Ship Tugboats to Azerbaijan. AON member Element International Forwarding & Logistics coordinated with an agent in Russia to arrange the shipment of 2 tugboats as seen in the photos. The tugboats...

Element International Forwarding & Logistics Oversee Long Masts Shipped to Estonia
Element International Forwarding & Logistics Oversee Long Masts Shipped to Estonia Turkish member, Element International Forwarding & Logistics recently organised the transportation of long masts with agents in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Element International's scope of...

Freight Forwarder Is Driving Force Behind Trike Business Success
Photo: Dave Partridge, owner of AA Trikes and AwingAway, pictured with Anton Gunter, managing director of Global Freight Services in Telford. Freight Forwarder Is Driving Force Behind Trike Business Success A Midlands shipping firm is...

New Fischer & Rechsteiner Logo Revealed
New Fischer & Rechsteiner Logo Revealed! Italian Forwarder Fisher & Rechsteiner are proud to introduce their new company logo. With a tradition based on their reliable services and a history dating back to the origin...

Element Logistic Announce the Launch of the New Airport Office!
Element Logistic Announce the Launch of the New Airport Office! Element Logistics are delighted to officially announce the opening of their new office at the new Istanbul Airport (IST) that was fully operational on April...

Joo Sung Sea & Air to Overcome New Challenge in Air Division
Joo Sung Sea & Air to Overcome New Challenge in Air Division Joo Sung Sea & Air Co., Ltd. President Mr. Jin Soo Park (right) and Korean Air Busan, Branch Manager, Mr. Ean Yong Sung...

The Future of Logistics Technology
The global supply chain is under immense pressure from growing freight volumes, eCommerce, increasing complexity, cross-border regulations and dynamic changes driven by trade wars and political upheaval. Richard White, CEO of WiseTech Global, discusses how...

International Fresh Forwarders Oversee Sunflower Harvesting Part to Germany
International Fresh Forwarders Oversee Sunflower Harvesting Part to Germany Claas, one of the leading manufacturers in agricultural machinery and technology, continues to rely on services of International Fresh Forwarder. The images correspond to one of...